February 10, 2017 / News & Blog

Welcome to the ACM Blog!

child-865116_960_720“The Run Around” is the official blog by the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM), sharing the latest news for and about children’s museums. Its goal is to disseminate key Association updates with our stakeholders, as well as uplift the collective knowledge of our field.

Articles should be submitted to Alison Howard, Communications Manager, at Alison.Howard@ChildrensMuseums.org.


The blog will be primarily directed toward ACM members, offering our museum and business members a steady source of news about the latest advancements in our field, in addition to a platform to share their knowledge. In addition to children’s museum staff and board members, the blog’s audience includes professionals in related fields, and invested members of the public.

Submission Guidelines:

  • All submitted content must be unique. ACM may also repost articles with permission of the original author and outlet.
  • Blogs typically run 500-1000 words, but this may vary based on content.
  • Posts, including titles, may be edited for style, clarity, and length. ACM follows the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • Authors should provide their byline with their name and institutional affiliation, if applicable. This may include a 1-2 sentence autobiography and a link back to their (or their organization’s) website and social media handles.
  • Every post will feature an image. ACM will select an image if a suitable one is not provided by the author.

Additional Information:

  • We encourage authors to engage in sharing and discussion on social media. (The ACM blog does not have a comments function.)
  • Authors may re-post content, with permission from ACM, after a week-long delay from the original posting. Re-posts should include proper attribution back to the ACM blog.
  • Posts should not be purely promotional, but instead should include original information or insight about issues affecting the children’s museums field. ACM will investigate offering ads and sponsored content on the blog in the coming months.