Take your education programming beyond sensory rooms and adaptability boxes and explore intentionally inclusive programming for children with exceptionalities. Join museum colleagues and disability advocates who have journeyed into inclusive programming by designing programs that allow exceptional children to experience the museum and with their peers in a fully inclusive environment. Attendees will learn how to identify and utilize local resources as well as review strategies for curating and designing for exceptional children. Register here.
Emily Woods-Johnson, Director of Education, Glazer Children’s Museum
Claire Stockman, VP of Education, Creative Discovery Museum
Blair Donnelly-Mason, CTRS, Program Manager, Treatment and Research Institute fro Autism Spectrum Disorders, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Liz Burke, Human Services Practitioner, Center for Autism & Related Disabilities at University of South Florida
Staff from the London Children’s Museum, along with Brooklyn Children’s Museum and Madison Children’s Museum, will share their experiences in modifying teen engagement within their museums to allow for it to be teen-interest led and influenced. Presenters will discuss assessing teen engagement in children’s museums, creating sustained and successful teen employment through community-oriented workforce development, and developing youth directed approaches to teen programming within their museums. In addition, a framework will be shared that can be used in your own museum. Register here.
Vanessa Eastmure, Exhibits and Collections Manager, London Children’s Museum (Ontario, Canada)
Jessie Collins, Education Manager, London Children’s Museum (Ontario, Canada)
Kate Mirand Calleri, Director of Education, Brooklyn Children’s Museum
Rayna Cunningham, Outreach Coordinator, Madison Children’s Museum
We often hear the phrase “culture is king” but many organizations don’t know how to curate a positive culture. Join members of the Children’s Museum of Richmond to hear how they turned around the organization’s employee experience—reducing turnover and increasing employee engagement. The Executive Director and Director of Human Resources will share the museum’s culture journey from 2019 to today. They will share innovative employee programs that have helped solidify a culture of learning and play and share evaluation methods and tactics your team can use. Register here.
Whitney Fogg, Director of Human Resources, Children’s Museum of Richmond
Danielle Ripperton, Executive Director, Children’s Museum of Richmond
Attend this webinar for a discussion of fundraising for general funds and operating expenses. We all know how to get money to buy things, and capital campaign advice abounds, but what about payroll and toilet paper? We will talk about how to incorporate operating funds into grant requests and budgets, how to have the big and sometimes uncomfortable conversations with repeat donors and sponsors to grow relationships, and how to make the big asks. The combined knowledge of pitching, applying for grants, growing donor relationships, and finding creative ways to fund the “lowest-hanging fruit” will leave you with a toolkit of fund development tricks to return to your museum. Register here.
Meredith Maple-Gitter, Executive Director, Fairbanks Children’s Museum
Atiba Edwards, President & CEO, Brooklyn Children’s Museum
Hannah Hausman, Executive Director, Santa Fe Children’s Museum
All professionals from ACM member museums and business members are welcome to attend, except where noted. Access information can be found in the ACM Member Resources Community on Groupsite. If you haven’t joined the ACM Groupsite, email Membership@ChildrensMuseums.org.
Note: If you missed a hangout, email Victoria.Garvin@ChildrensMuseums.org for the recording. Not a member? Join ACM!