Ocean Bound


Dive into an underwater adventure and discover how everyone’s actions affect the oceans. Ocean Bound gives visitors a unique and breathtaking introduction to the majesty of the waterways. Pilot a giant submersible, experience many different aquatic species and ecosystems, guide water safely through a hazardous maze, and make rain cascade down mountains, through rivers, and finally to the ocean! What can YOU do in your watershed to protect our oceans? Find out in Ocean Bound!


More details

Name Description
Exhibit Producer Sciencenter
Website https://sciencenter.org/resources-museums/exhibition-rentals/
Related Link https://sciencenter.org/resources-museums/exhibition-rentals/tree-houses/
Price $48,000
Size 1,501-2,500 sq ft
Exhibit Subject(s) Animals/Insects, Environment/Nature, Science
Type Rental
Length of Rental 3 1/2 months
Availability 02/05/2025
Contact Charity Burger
Email cburger@sciencenter.org
Phone 607-272-0600 x128

Ad details

Sciencenter : Exhibit for Rent
Organization : Sciencenter
City : Ithaca
State/Prov : New York
Country : United States