Leonardo’s Lab


Leonardo’s Lab offers young artists and inventors a chance to immerse themselves in the mind of Leonardo DaVinci, the original ‘Renaissance Man.’ Explore all the fascinating facets of his work across multiple disciplines in very hands-on ways; build, sketch, test and design via activities tied to his era and ideas. Create a ‘copter, solve math puzzles, try your hand at backward writing, make your own Mona Lisa masterpiece, and engineer towers, bridges, and simple machines. Multi-user workshop tables allow individuals or groups to learn about Leonardo da Vinci’s many areas of interest in science and art.


More details

Name Description
Exhibit Producer Sciencenter
Website https://sciencenter.org/resources-museums/exhibition-rentals/
Related Link https://sciencenter.org/resources-museums/exhibition-rentals/leonardos-lab/
Price $33,000
Size 1,501-2,500 sq ft
Exhibit Subject(s) Arts, Creativity, Engineering, History/Social Studies, Math, Science, Technology
Type Rental
Length of Rental 3 1/2 months
Availability Check website for availability.
Contact Charity Burger
Email cburger@sciencenter.org
Phone 607-272-0600 x128

Ad details

Sciencenter : Exhibit for Rent
Organization : Sciencenter
City : Ithaca
State/Prov : New York
Country : United States