On February 7, 2017, ACM launched 90 Days of Action, a campaign celebrating the important role children’s museums play in welcoming immigrant and refugee children and families.
We’re thrilled with the early results of our research into what children’s museums are already doing to serve diverse communities: Most of our members have outreach strategies specifically to reach these populations, and more than 75 percent are looking into new opportunities to do so.
If you haven’t yet done so, feel free to take our survey at any point throughout the campaign, which runs through May 8, 2017. [edit: survey closed]
As we enter the next phase of the campaign, the ACM team has developed materials to help museums get involved in the campaign. Here’s how your museum can get involved:
Museum resource include:
Together, children’s museums are creating a #WorldTheyDeserve. Please direct any questions to Alison Howard at Alison.Howard@ChildrensMuseums.org.
Laura Huerta Migus is Executive Director of the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM). Follow @childmuseums and @huertamigus on Twitter.