Great content is planned for InterActivity 2022: PLAY The Long Game!
Download the InterActivity 2022 Final Program and the InterActivity 2022 Program-At-A-Glance to review the schedule and concurrent professional development session descriptions. View the A to Z of InterActivity 2022 email sent to conference attendees.
Advance online registration has ended. However, you can still register onsite at the conference, May 16-18, in St. Louis.
Note: schedule subject to change.
Your health and safety are important to us. Please review the Duty of Care statement all InterActivity registrants acknowledged when registering.
To encourage respect towards individual boundaries, attendees may use the buttons available at the InterActivity Registration Desk to communicate their preference for social distancing and physical touch.
While masks are not required as per local guidelines, we strongly encourage them as an important preventive measure against COVID-19.