ACM and Madison Children’s Museum invite you to
InterActivity 2024: Flourish! in Madison, WI, May 15-17. 

The Association of Children’s Museums’ annual InterActivity conference is the largest gathering of children’s museum professionals in the world.

This can’t miss event will be interactive–unleashing creativity and teaching rapid prototyping; engaging–with dynamic variety of session formats including gallery walks, flash talks, group therapy, and game show style; and relevant–featuring hot topics including AI, playful leadership and translingual approaches. 

Explore ACM MarketPlace to find products and service providers for everything your museum is looking for (and things you never knew you needed!)

The InterActivity 2024 Final Program is now available with event highlights

Six blocks of concurrent sessions for a total of more than 55 professional development sessions

Content in nine different streams: Business Operations, Community Engagement, Design, Leadership, Learning, Mental Health & Well-Being, Partnerships, People, and Research & Evaluation. Diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion (DEAI) is embedded throughout the sessions

Presenters from outside the children’s museum field, including Carnegie Hall, Fred Rogers Productions, The LEGO Foundation, and Madison Metropolitan School District

ACM MarketPlace with products and service providers for all your museum’s needs

Networking opportunities, including opening evening reception in the ACM MarketPlace

The Final Program also includes great tips to make the most out of your stay in Madison, WI, including city highlights as well as hotel and travel information.